US condemns Chinese army for recognizing Arunachal Pradesh as part of India

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BEIJING: (CNI) The Chinese military on Thursday criticized the US for claiming that Arunachal Pradesh is part of India, saying that India and China have sensible mechanisms, communication channels, capabilities and dialogue and consultation. There is a desire to resolve the border issue properly.


The US has a terrible record of fomenting conflict between other countries for its own interests.


The international community clearly sees this, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Senior Col. Wu Qian said at a press conference here on Thursday, reacting to the recent US statement that Washington recognizes Arunachal Pradesh as Indian territory.


Wu said that China and India have established mechanisms and channels of communication on border issues. “Both sides have the ability and willingness to properly handle the border question through dialogue and consultation,” he said.


He was reacting to a statement by US State Department Principal Deputy Spokesman Vedant Patel on March 9 that “the United States recognizes Arunachal Pradesh as Indian territory and we do not tolerate infiltration or encroachment, military or civilian.” strongly oppose any unilateral attempt to advance territorial claims through the Line of Actual Control.” Wu also reiterated that Arunachal Pradesh is part of China’s territory.


“Zingnan (Arunachal Pradesh, China’s official name) has been China’s territory since ancient times.


This is an undeniable fact,” he said of the foreign ministry’s remarks, calling China’s claim “ridiculous” and “ridiculous”said while responding to a question from Chinese state media about funny”


“Where did the so-called ‘Arunachal Pradesh’ come from?” He said. (CNI)

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