Victim Displaced Kashmiri Pandits in general and KPC in particular strongly oppose the restoration of statehood and conducting elections in Jammu and Kashmir

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Victim Displaced Kashmiri Pandits in general and KPC in particular strongly oppose the restoration of statehood and conducting elections in Jammu and Kashmir as yet,till terrorism, terrorist– politicians nux, fundamentalism and corruption is fully demolished and Displaced Kashmiri Pandits rehabilitated as per their will and choice in valley—-Kundan Kashmiri,Sevak and President KPC


Victim Displaced Kashmiri Pandits in generaland Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC ) in particular disagree with restoration of statehood status to J&K and holding elections as yet in Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir , which directly or indirectly means transfer of power again to those who demolished and mismanaged the Kashmir, created the worst situation for minorities in particular for core nationalists, the Kashmiri Pandit community.and other minorities.

History stands testimony to the fact that the Kashmir centric politicians, who ruled J&K in the past didn’t pay much attention towards the development of the erstwhile state and raked up the issues which created confusion and uncertainty.

The truth about these Kashmiri politicians is that they have clear agenda of very limited accession with India or greater autonomy/self-rule and talks with Pakistan over Kashmir, to create again political and other hegemony in J&K,to fulfill their inner agenda,as well as to get militants and other anti–nationals released..It was their seven decades of misrule by various regimes of Kashmir valley where corruption, nepotism and favoritism , sympathy and soft corner for terrorists, stone pelters and step-monthly treatment and injustice with Kashmiri Pandit minority , Pak– Pok refugees settled in Jammu and Kashmir., Jammuiti,s and others.

There had been no accountability which lead to the Jammu and Kashmir was occupying infamously the place of being the most corrupt state of the country. In the development sector also, it lagged far behind despite getting more central aids and grants than any other state of the country from long long years together. This accountability in Jammu and Kashmir had never been allowed to take roots and last seven decades; there was hardly any detection and investigation into political corruptions ,as corruption had always existed at top of table for the state compared to the rest of the country,and were masters in election rigging.


The Politicians who had been in power particularly some political families NC, PDP and others who had enjoyed powers between themselves have amassed large and unaccounted wealth without they have been any much source of income.

So,being a President of representative organisation of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits, the KPC ,staunch nationalist , Kashmir watcher, political analyst, and great victim of Kashmir dirty politics and terrorism, suggest and request to present dispensation at the center and others that time has not come as yet to hold elections in Jammu and Kashmir and to restore State hood to the J&K, but to continue the union territory status in Jammu and Kashmir, Lt Governors rule under the control of Central Govt to fully demolish whole terrorist– politicians nux , finish corruption, loot, land Mafia and create the confidence among minorities and nationalist forces in Jammu and Kashmir,in particular in Kashmir valley. To take strict action against those political parties and politicians who looted Jammu and Kashmir from last 70 years.Attract the investors to make investments in the UT,..To give justice to all those communities which are waiting for more than seven decades, in particular to victim displaced Kashmiri Pandits,a great nationalist constituency of the country and others.


The important pending issues like carving out of ” ONE PLACE” for the settlement of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits at the land of Kashyap Bhoomi in Kashmir valley, Judicial probe into ethnic cleansing and Genocides of victim Kashmiri Pandits, grant of indeginious status to KP community and other vital issues are yet to do, also undone related to terrorism, and other things which will be not possible after Kashmir politicians and their political parties like NC, PDP and their like minded groups will come in power, rather they will complicate the situation, encourage the terrorism the terrorists, will again start corruption,loot and anti– nation activities.

Therefore, we the Nationalist forces of Jammu and Kashmir, the Kashmiri Pandits in general and Kashmiri Pandit Conference ( KPC ) in particular, appeal Hounrable Prime Minister of India and election Commissioner of India, kindly not take any haste decision to go for elections as yet,and not restore statehood to JK UT as yet, other wise it will prove counter productive and will be a big blunder as committed by Nehru led congress in dealing Kashmir and by imposing article 370 in the state of J&K.


Again, we request Prime Minister of India, to invite delegation of Kashmiri Pandit community to have meaningful talks with them and listen their problems and demands which include mainly include “one place settlement ” of displaced Kashmiri Pandit community at the land of Kashyap in Kashmir valley, grant of indeginious status to them., Commission of enquiry through Supreme Court Judge for the genocides and ethnic cleansings of victim KP community, passageof shrines and temple bill, redress the problems of ovege KP yourhs, PM packageemployees and other issues.


[ Kundan Kashmiri ]

Sevak.and President Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC )

Mobile No 8802167955

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