Witness the extremly bad manipulation of Kashmiri Pandit (KP) victims by politically motivated individuals, and parties coercing them to vote and engage in negotiations

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Witness the extremly bad manipulation of Kashmiri Pandit (KP) victims by politically motivated individuals, and parties coercing them to vote and engage in negotiations with their oppressors and assailants


Initially, our exiled Kashmiri Pandit brethren, residing beyond the valley’s confines, were urged to make and shift their votes to valley in the interst of community and country by the power hunger elements which actually holds no merit nor benefit for the displaced KP community.

Now the same selfish and power hunger persons implore the same victim KP,s to vote for those persons and political parties responsible for their forced expulsion from the valley.


Today, the same political opportunists, with selfish ambitions, advocate for voting and negotiate to the very entities ,individuals and political parties who culpable for the KP exodus ,murdered, loot and arson.


These elements, complicit in this egregious deceit, harbor personal political agendas. Their relentless pursuit of power, evident in their frequent presence at residences and offices of political boss’s and their political party offices, betrays their true motives.


It is imperative to caution our victimized community against falling prey to such machinations. No negotiation, dialogue, or debate with KP perpetrators is warranted. These individuals pose well wishers and benefactors of the community yet their ulterior motives are transparent which is only personal and political gain and nothing.


Let us remain vigilant and discerning, guarding against the infiltration of such political parties and opportunists within our community ranks. They may seek to exploit our community’s plight for their own ends, but we refuse to be pawns in their game. Our community’s interests are paramount, and we shall not be swayed by the allure of false promises or political manipulation.CNI


[ Kundan Kashmiri ] Community Sevak & President KPC


Mobile No 880 2167955

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