25-year-old Ends Life in Hajin, Bandipora

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Bandipora, 16 April (CNI) : A 25-year-old youth ends life by hanging himself at his poltry farm in Check Chandergeer area of Hajin in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district late last night.

Official Sources told News-agency Current News of India (CNI) that a 25-year-old youth identified as Sameer Ahmad Khan S/O Abdul Majeed Khan a resident of Check Chandergeer ends life by hanging himself at his poultry farm late Saturday night.

He was immediately taken to nearby CHC Hajin, where he was declared dead on arrival by the doctors.

An official also confirmed the incident and said that it was not known immediately as why the youth took this extreme step, case has been registered and further investigation has been initiated. (CNI)

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