“The book launch event of ‘Mahanayak’ (Narendra Modi– jisne badal di desh ki tasveer’), a book about Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who changed the face of the country, was held at Shri Ram Seva Sahitya Sansthan in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, last night at 9 pm. The event saw the presence of author Sushi Saxena, founder Divyanjali Verma, publisher Avadhesh Kumar Yadav, Dolly Jha, Subhanshu Sharma, and Narayan Singh Rao ‘Sailab’, founder of Indian Iris.
The book ‘Mahanayak’ is a new release by author Sushi Saxena, based on the tenure of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The event discussed the book and highlighted the various important schemes and reform programs launched by Prime Minister Modi during his tenure, aimed at the country’s development and improving the standard of living for its citizens. Some of the key schemes mentioned include Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Ayushman Bharat Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, and Make in India. These schemes have led to several positive changes in the country, such as improved sanitation, increased access to healthcare, expanded banking services, and growth in industry and manufacturing.
In conclusion, Prime Minister Modi’s schemes and reforms are crucial steps towards the country’s development and improving the standard of living for its citizens. The event concluded with Divyanjali Verma bidding farewell to all the dignitaries present.”