Kashmiri Pandit Conference( KPC ), express concern over the potential removal of AFSPA in Jammu and Kashmir

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Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) in its press release today on March 28,2024, stated that by removing Armed forces special power act (AFSPA) in Jammu and Kashmir could provide terrorists and local militants with an opportunity to operate more freely, endangering the security of both the region. It would disturb the on going devlopment of Jammu and Kashmir and could badly effect the tourist flow and other things too.

At present army has brought an effective control on the situation and have nicely plugged the loopholes and has kept complete vegil on the anti national and other bad elements.


KPC President Kundan Kashmiri stated that vulnerable groups like PM package employees, Kashmiri Pandits and other minorities living in valley may also have adverse effect of such step to be taken by the government. .

Moreover, it may embolden anti-national elements and hinder the movements of nationalists people including nationalist forces, displaced Kashmiri Pandits tourists and others.

Given these risks, the KPC Chief Kundan Kashmiri, urges the Honorable Home Minister to refrain from hastily removing AFSPA, emphasizing its critical role in maintaining peace and security in Kashmir. The central government must recognize the lurking threats posed by internal and external adversaries, who, though subdued, await the chance to destabilize the region.

Therefore, Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) appeals to the government, particularly the Honorable Home Minister, of India to retain AFSPA in Jammu and Kashmir, considering its adverse consequences and implications for peace and stability.CNI




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