Sofi Yousuf, Acknowledges Support during Father’s Demise

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Anantnag 6th Feb:- (CNI) In a heartfelt gesture, Mr. Sofi Yousuf (Senior Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Party and former Member of the Legislative Council) extends his sincere appreciation to the political leaders, police and civil officers, relatives, friends, wellwishers and all others who offered their condolences and support during the recent loss of his father.
Amidst the challenging time of mourning, Mr. Yousuf acknowledges the overwhelming presence of well-wishers who visited his home to express their sympathy. Their compassionate gestures have provided solace and strength to the grieving family.Mr. Yousuf expressed deep gratitude, stating, “I am profoundly touched by the outpouring of support from political colleagues, esteemed officers, friends, and relatives during this difficult period. Your presence and heartfelt condolences have been a source of comfort for my family and me.

“The Bharatiya Janata Party Senior Vice President emphasizes the importance of unity and solidarity during moments of grief. He extends his appreciation to the entire community for coming together in a spirit of compassion and empathy.

The Sofi family is thankful for the love and respect shown by all those who took the time to pay their respects and offer condolences. Mr. Sofi Yousuf remains committed to serving the people and expresses his gratitude for the support received during this trying time.(CNI) Current News of India

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