Sopore Police continues its drive against Poppy cultivation

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Sopore, 02 June (CNI) :To put an end to the use and spread of drugs, Sopore Police is continuing its drive against Poppy cultivation making all consistent efforts by way of enforcement operations, today this drive was launched at Adipora Sopore in the jurisdiction of Police Station Sopore, where huge cultivation of Poppy spread was destroyed by Sopore Police along with Excise department.

As per the statement, Sopore Police once again advised all those who have cultivated Poppy or any other Narcotic substances anywhere in Police District Sopore, to destroy the same on their own, failing which they shall face strict action under law.

General Public of Police District Sopore is once again requested to extend cooperation to the Sopore Police and come forward with any information regarding any kind of anti-social activity in their neighbourhood.(CNI)

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